17th Anniversary of 9-11...

17th Anniversary of 9-11...
On the 17th Anniversary of 9-11, we continue prayers for a path to peace. (Picture above - TishTrek and husband Harry @ the podium inside the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York City). It was the privilege of a lifetime for us to be with leaders from around the world on a night when honoring excellence in writing and reporting was the common language uniting all of us. As one of the proud sponsors of the Annual U.N. Correspondents' Dinner, we enjoyed honoring excellence in writing and communications by helping to fund scholarships for international university students who had the courage & talent to tackle some of the difficult issues of our time. Through their magnificent words, they successfully created content that helped readers see through the lens of their research & life experiences. These students inspired all of us. I have confidence the next generation will pick up where we leave off.

Monday, January 11, 2010

No Beating Yourself Up in the GoZone!

Day #10 and I only logged 4,143 steps. This is not a great step score for someone who is working to support a team average, but given I hit over 17,000 on Saturday, I'd say I had a good overall weekend of activity. The Virgin Healthmiles Program tells us that completing 5 session of 7,000 steps or more over a 7 day period means you are finally getting enough activity. So I did it! I won last week! I was more active than I have been in months! I feel great!

Yesterday, I enjoyed a glorious day with cousins celebrating the birth and christening of Derek Raymond Gunsiorowski. Yes, as in Derek Jeter! The sports themes joyfully go on-and-on in my family! I didn't think jogging in-place at church would be appropriate and my trips to the veggie and fruit platters weren't long enough treks to pile many steps on.

Okay, I suppose I could have gotten up earlier on Sunday and started with some steps, but the weekend is over now. Looking back is only good to do if I want to assess my actions and activities with the goal of crafting a better plan for this week. Beating myself up for a stat I can't change would be counter-productive in this process, so I'm not doing it.

Best regards,
Everybody's Cousin Tish
Score: 5/51

Quote of the Day: "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it."
- Winston Churchill


  1. yes mom no looking back! Only look forward, and think about all the great progress you are making and will continue to make in the future!

  2. As Mary Kay Ash- Entrepeneur once said, "When you come to a roadblock, take a detour."

    Use your roadblocks to move towards better choices; no sense in beating yourself up. Just pick yourself up and start a new day...

