17th Anniversary of 9-11...

17th Anniversary of 9-11...
On the 17th Anniversary of 9-11, we continue prayers for a path to peace. (Picture above - TishTrek and husband Harry @ the podium inside the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York City). It was the privilege of a lifetime for us to be with leaders from around the world on a night when honoring excellence in writing and reporting was the common language uniting all of us. As one of the proud sponsors of the Annual U.N. Correspondents' Dinner, we enjoyed honoring excellence in writing and communications by helping to fund scholarships for international university students who had the courage & talent to tackle some of the difficult issues of our time. Through their magnificent words, they successfully created content that helped readers see through the lens of their research & life experiences. These students inspired all of us. I have confidence the next generation will pick up where we leave off.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Music To Our Ears: Bravo Scott!

Step, step, step...

On Saturday, February 12th, we attended the 47th annual concert of the
All-Shore Chorus at Red Bank Regional High School in Little Silver. Since there was consensus to add a modern day vibe to this 46 year old show, this year's repertoire and performance changes successfully showcased artistic excellence at its finest.

We sat in awe as 135 gifted students, who were selected from 36 area high schools (including Pt. Pleasant Borough High School Sophomore, SCOTT FERGUSON!!), came together as one glorious voice exercising their art through the common language of music. Every year, they only have one month to practice, so obviously this group effort succeeds because these students are lucky enough to be embraced by the dedication of music teachers and directors from the participating schools whose ability to transfer knowledge stretches their talent and confidence in ways that empower them to transcend the expectations of their audiences every single time. These kids were spectacular! My Scott was the tallest on the risers and we have the pictures to prove it! If you don't believe me, write me @ tish509@comcast.net and I'll send you a copy. (Thanks for bringing your camera Aunt Mary G; and for forwarding the pictures from your computer! I was too busy picking up my mother-of-the-year award to remember my camera!! I know we have more pictures of Katie! Sorry about that Scott, but you have to stop counting the 4,000 we took in during Kate's first 6 months... This happens in all families: Just ask Cousin Sheila and Uncle Brendo!)

Anyway...The choir belted out contemporary tunes like Born to Run which followed a cappella efforts and solemn renditions of Dominus regnavit, decorum indutus est and O Magnum Mysterium. The orchestra, production staff, Beth Moore - the accompanist, and Kristopher Zook, the program manager were all tremendous. Congratulations to all who participated and for delivering a performance of the highest caliber. It was a privilege to be in attendance.

This magnificent effort was led by Conductor Joseph Cantaffa, a three-time member of the All Shore Chorus and currently Entertainment Techology Instructor in the Fine and Performing Arts Center program at Howell High School. Kudos to Mr. Cantaffa! His remarkable contributions gave this year's audience a diverse musical program, staged visuals and a multimedia video feature - all of which honored the rich history and tradition of this remarkable organization which has been dedicated to the success of student musicians for 47 years.

Conductor Cantaffa was quoted in the February 5th Asbury Park Press as saying, "It genuinely means the world to me" to return as a guest conductor of the All Shore Chorus 20 years later.

If I could reach out and speak to Mr. Cantaffa right now, I'd say, "Well sir, it meant the world to us to watch you at your best on Saturday, February 12th. We appreciated all your efforts that allowed our Scott to shine and for helping the entire All Shore Chorus succeed for the 47th year in a row! Sometimes, a mom's evening doesn't get better than this." :)

Harry, Aunt Mary Gunsiorowski, Aunt Mary Brusgard and I thoroughly enjoyed the show!

Aunt Mary B. ended up in the hospital the very next day, but AMEN because she's 100% herself again. When she was at home and feeling better, I sent her flowers with a note that read, "Thinking of you... Was it the company or Scott's singing on Saturday Night??!!" As usual, we both roared with laughter!

Best regards,
Everybody's Cousin Tish
Score: 16/51

Quote of the Day: "You'll know what music to your ears means when you hear it."
- I just made this up because I'm in a hurry! Love to all.

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