17th Anniversary of 9-11...

17th Anniversary of 9-11...
On the 17th Anniversary of 9-11, we continue prayers for a path to peace. (Picture above - TishTrek and husband Harry @ the podium inside the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York City). It was the privilege of a lifetime for us to be with leaders from around the world on a night when honoring excellence in writing and reporting was the common language uniting all of us. As one of the proud sponsors of the Annual U.N. Correspondents' Dinner, we enjoyed honoring excellence in writing and communications by helping to fund scholarships for international university students who had the courage & talent to tackle some of the difficult issues of our time. Through their magnificent words, they successfully created content that helped readers see through the lens of their research & life experiences. These students inspired all of us. I have confidence the next generation will pick up where we leave off.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tall Ships Exit New York Harbor!

Never be soooo busy that you miss what's in front of you! OMGosh! "Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board."** The last of the Tall Ships are leaving beautiful New York Harbor right now! From bow to stern, I can see three-masted, square-sail carrying ships with U.S. sailors in white standing in formation on the Masts as they salute our nation & bid our city farewell. From the tallest masts located near the center of the ship to the Main-Mast lower, to Main Topmasts; to Main Topgallant Masts; and to those Mizzen-Masts - it's just another glorious day on America's Hudson River! Best regards, TishTrek ** Quote by Zora Neale.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Fleet Week" in New York City!!

Celebrating Fleet Week! A parade of ships honored America's homeland as glorious mirrored reflections sparkled from Tower #1 @ the World Trade Center site! A kaleidoscope on the Hudson River whisked us to our nation's past and future... It was simply beautiful. All-together now: "And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA." (Lee Greenwood). Best regards, TishTrek

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Janet Tavakoko: "Invisible Culprits" = a Repeat Financial Crisis!

Today, I'm celebrating all the stellar professionals who refused to be used as "invisable hands" to execute the systemic repeat behaviors cited in this article, "Find the Culprits of the Financial Crisis" - http://lnkd.in/rsfdhu 05/09/2012 - Janet Tavakoko's independent research into the financial crisis confirms what employment candidates have been telling us since 2005. We honor all of you who live with the kind of courage, guts and ethics it takes to walk away. Thank you! ***"Finding the Culprits of the Crisis" @ advisorone.com / In this amazing & haunting article, Derivatives expert Janet Tavakoli takes a hard look at what — and who — caused the financial crisis. Your children's future depends on YOU understanding what happened. If our generation ignores who intentionally executed the steps to bring us the financial crisis then we are choosing not to know this history. When this history repeats itself, (and all experts say it will!) you will then be a party - that is an accomplice - to the repeat behavior that does our nation and our children harm for decades to come. Not me... I've been screaming in the wind trying to educate others on these issues on-line and in letters to-the-editor since the early 2000's, (Gannett Newspapers, Wall Street Journal, NY Post, etc.). My conscience is clear. How about yours? Best regards, TishTrek